How to Film Your Water Adventures

Whether you are fishing, kayaking, surfing, or swimming, spending time on the water is always exciting. What more if you do these water adventures in Canada's stunning beaches and lakes! Instead of enjoying the thrilling activities alone, you may consider filming your adventures. Doing so allows you to save your precious memories and share them with your loved ones. Not only that, but it is one way to get fascinating souvenirs from the places you visit. But how do you get your shot right? What if you are not really into videography? Worry not because there are lots of tips that can help you film your water adventures.

How to Film on the Water: Tips for Beginners

Let's say you and your family plan your next vacation in the country's famous beaches. You are excited to try surfing with the waves and thought of filming it. But where do you start? Spending time on the water is fun, but shooting any water sport is quite challenging. It is because you need to use a water-resistant camera device. If not, you need to think of ways on how you can protect it in the water. Besides, it isn't easy to film while you are balancing on the board.

As someone who is not into videography, you may find it stressful to film on water. But familiarizing yourself on the right gear and camera accessories, as well as the techniques in shooting videos, can save you from distress. Here are some helpful tips to help you improve your videography skills:

1 Choose your gear wisely.

The quality of the video dramatically depends on the camera device you will use. It is essential that before planning to make a film, you have the right accessory with you. It is highly recommended to utilize an action camera when filming on the water. This device is lightweight, portable, and water-resistant, making it an excellent choice for shooting water adventures.

Action cams come in a variety of shapes and sizes. You'll find round, square, and rectangular action cameras. But usually, they are compact and small, allowing you to mount them on headgears or handlebars. What makes them ideal for filming on the water is their water-resistant feature.

For instance, if you are taking videos of your surfing expeditions, you can put the action cam a chest mount. Therefore, it is less challenging to make a surfing video. Since you can find a wide range of action cameras in the market nowadays, make sure to choose the best features. Consider something that has a panoramic lens that can capture a full video of the scenes. Don't forget the long battery life as well as the instant social sharing feature.

2 Use the right accessories.

Action cams can already give you high-quality photos and videos. But for more stabilized footage, you may need to use accessories like gimbals. These devices make it less challenging to make smooth moving films. For instance, you can use gimbals when you are riding on a speedboat, and you want to take a shot of the scenes around you. 

Other action cam accessories that you may consider are mounts. As mentioned earlier, you can use chest mounts for surfing or for doing water sports. But aside from chest mounts, you can also use wrist mount, vent strap mount, and other action cam accessories. Pick a gear that is appropriate for water sports. Other things to consider are camera filters like a red lens when filming underwater. Meanwhile, a polarizing filter is suitable for reducing the glare from the water.

3 Keep safe.

As much as it is exciting to go kayaking or surfing, it is essential to check the weather before continuing your vacation. If you are using a boat, communicate with the authorities to know the depth of the water. It is also necessary to bring a first aid kit when filming on the water, which you can use if an unwanted event happens. 

4 Use proper lighting.

Lighting is essential in both photography and videography. When shooting outdoors, it is necessary to maximize the natural light that you can get from the sun. When shooting, make sure to film with the sun at your back to prevent unwanted shadows on the videos. Therefore, you can create more precise and more appealing films.

5 Don't forget to shoot the crucial details.

Instead of shooting random videos, why not create a short list of the scenes that can narrate your whole experience? Doing so allows you to keep an eye on the details you need to include in the film. 

6 Familiarize yourself with the traditional rules in filming.

You can always experiment when creating a video. Meaning, you can do what you think will add appeal to the film. But don't forget the traditional rules in videography. For instance, you can use the rule of thirds to position the subject in a suitable place. The rule of thirds refers to the frame that is divided into three equal parts.

Filming on water could be both exciting and challenging. It isn't easy to perform the activity while ensuring that you are creating a high-quality video. As a beginner in videography, one of the vital factors that affect the footage is the availability of the camera device and accessories. It is important to use the right gear in filming since all the videography techniques can be learned and practiced. For your next beach vacation, make sure to bring an action cam. This device can make it less challenging to film on the water while helping you create high-quality films.